• 百盈国际

  • 公司简介



           陕西百盈国际交通工程有限公司成立于2014年 ,是一家专注于交通领域的公司。百盈国际致力于交通设施的批发、销售 、安装及施工,以及各类道路和场地的设计、施工和维护 。作为一家交通工程公司,百盈国际提供车库、道路、小区、厂区厂房 、产业园区、高速公路、城市道路、乡村道路的标牌、标线的设计制作及施工及划线服务 ,确保道路交通的安全和顺畅。百盈国际拥有经验丰富的团队和先进的设备,可以为客户提供高质量、创新的解决方案。同时,百盈国际也专注于环氧地坪、彩色防滑路面 、透水地面工程的设计和施工,以及篮球场、羽毛球场塑胶跑道工程的建设。百盈国际的专业团队可以根据客户需求,提供定制的设计方案,并确保施工过程的高效和质量 。除了交通设施和场地建设,百盈国际还提供护栏的销售、安装及施工服务,以及停车场道闸、智能电子门禁设备的销售和安装。百盈国际与优秀的供应商合作 ,为客户提供卓越的产品和完善的安装服务。此外,百盈国际在市政道路工程、环保工程、城市亮化及道路亮化工程 、园林绿化工程 、水利水电工程 、装饰装修工程 、公路工程 、河道改造工程、防腐保温工程、钢结构工程 、土石方工程等领域拥有丰富的设计和施工经验 。

           作为一家致力于品质和客户满意度的公司,百盈国际不仅关注施工的质量和安全 ,还注重与客户的密切合作,并提供全方位的服务和支持。百盈国际交通期待与各界客户合作,共同推动交通领域的发展,为社会的可持续发展做出贡献。


            Shanxi Bangyuan Transport Engineering Co., Ltd. was established in 2014 and is a company dedicated to the transportation field. We are committed to the wholesale, sales, installation, and construction of transportation facilities, as well as the design, construction, and maintenance of various roads and sites. As a transportation engineering company, we provide design, production, and construction services for signage and road markings for garages, roads, residential areas, factory buildings, industrial parks, highways, urban roads, and rural roads, ensuring safe and smooth traffic. With an experienced team and advanced equipment, we can provide customers with high-quality and innovative solutions.

            Additionally, we specialize in the design and construction of epoxy floors, colored anti-skid road surfaces, porous ground engineering, as well as the construction of basketball courts and badminton court plastic tracks. Our professional team can provide customized design solutions according to customer needs and ensure efficient and high-quality construction processes. In addition to transportation facility and site construction, we also offer sales, installation, and construction services for guardrails, as well as sales and installation of parking lot barriers and intelligent electronic access control equipment. We collaborate with excellent suppliers to provide customers with outstanding products and installation services.

            Furthermore, we have extensive design and construction experience in municipal road engineering, environmental engineering, urban and road lighting projects, garden landscaping, water conservancy and hydropower projects, decoration projects, highway projects, river channel reconstruction projects, corrosion protection and insulation projects, steel structure projects, and earthwork projects.

             As a company dedicated to quality and customer satisfaction, we not only focus on the quality and safety of construction but also emphasize close cooperation with customers and provide comprehensive services and support. Bangyun Transport looks forward to cooperating with clients from all walks of life to promote the development of the transportation field and contribute to the sustainable development of society.

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